Absolutely simple request. Never mind that Shosanna and I are on the 3 floor of a J& R facing a wall of 50 different kinds of cables. It’s like going to CVS and asking for medicine…no we don’t know exactly what kind of medicine, just hand us some kind of medicine, any kind will do. The man… this poor salesman. If I would have walked up to him and smashed a drum on each side of his head he would have looked less flabbergasted. You know how I know this? By the first question he asked us. He didn’t ask “What kind of cables?” for example. No. The man hit us with the most appropriate question imaginable. The man asked “Who sent you here?” as in “Who wants to fuck my life to such an extent that he would send both of you over here… at the same time… to shop together for hardware?” . Then as I look over to Shosanna she has an air about her, an air of pride and confidence, because lo and behold she informs the salesman that she is in possession of a piece of paper that contains all the necessary information that will make his life easier. A shopping list, the girl had a shopping list which apparently got swallowed by the black hole disguised as the bag she held in her hands. So after desperately looking for a piece of paper for about 20 minutes we failed to find it but came up with another brilliant idea. We can use our memory. Yes, just our memory will be enough. Our mouths started forming words like ethernet, strips, cords, words unfamiliar two us, making us look more and more retarded as the seconds would go by. This was failing. In fact for the next two hours, two hours of my life spent in J&R mind you, everything was failing. Even when we asked him to kind of wing it, just wing it, that failed too, the man simply refused to do that.I was thinking to myself how many other things I would rather do. I would rather sell my body in exchange for a dollar value McDonalds meal for example, maybe even swallow razors or torch my self while watching repeats of Little House on the Prairie.The man…this poor salesman. I knelt down on the floor for the first time in my life, I knelt down on a J&R floor and I saw tears come out of my eyes, tears caused by an uncontrollable laughter. What was going on here? What was happening? Who in their right mind would send us here? How much crack do my bosses take and how often? All these questions were racing through my brain in an uncontrollable speed. And that was it.
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