…This movie is what Eman and I have been brawling over for the past 4 days. Perhaps it was the mistake of calling my best mate past midnight and informing him for a straight half hour that I had just seen a movie with Eric Roberts and it was freakin incredible and that I would loose all respect for him if he wouldn’t watch it, as soon as possible, preferably the next day. So he did, and he called me at my job and while I was surrounded by most of my coworkers( none of us really exit the office unless its for the can) it began –the first major fight, on the phone and with everyone as a witness they heard me roaring and showering Eman with the worst of curses that now as I think about it were completely inappropriate for an office setting, especially while my boss was standing 3 feet away. I told him in the end to go stand in a corner or go watch Shutter Island and masturbate to that because he’s lost all perspective of things. Completely oblivious to the weird looks I was getting from my desk mate that could not make sense of what the hell I was yelling about especially when he kept hearing me repeat the words, butcher, you’re an ass, shootout, and masturbation I calmed down and tried to contemplate where the hell the enormous gulf between Emans brain and mine came from. So I decided that for once Staten Island was the source of what is now officially a marathon of debating of what constitutes a good movie and what not. You might think that now that I live again in Staten Island eating ritz cracker sandwiches and being forced into a suburban version of a Zen like state of mind that it somehow has skewed my vision and taste but no, it has not. I inform you now that I have devoted my self to movies that are like little gems, that even though they are not widely recognized they are in fact good not only for what they are but for their potential. You see in The Butcher a very unusual director and incredibly good acting and not only from Eric Roberts. This is not a freakin dreadful Lifetime movie, where being forced by my aunt to watch many of them, so many that I now officially have side effects the next morning, like a bad one night stand. This is a movie, and in a way it is perfect the way it is, take it as it is, please do not watch it and compare it to the standards of Shutter freakin Island cause it will make my ears bleed-I don’t care if it Scorsese-yes they are good but in a way it's expected, but here in the twilight zone of a city, what I wait for are small and unusual surprises, unexpected ones, something that made me think that perhaps one day there will be another movie that will blow me away in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere. And that was it-no more movie comments, I need to go down a bottle of Pepto.
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