An exercise in self-deprecating humor. Not to be taken too seriously.
After planning the perfect escape I had to make one of the most imperfect comebacks...this is a true account of my life as it is now in Staten Island

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Wall Street Job

…which basically amounts to paying bills, booking checks, looking at the guy sitting next to me scratch his back with a back scratcher that’s shaped like an actual hand, organizing files, cleaning the kitchen once in a while, sending out my resume on a daily basis for the past 4 years, calling my aunt on a weekly basis while I cry my eyes out and tell her what a sell out I’ve become, answering phone calls, telling Dell Financial services that I hope their building gets demolished after everyone has evacuated, threatening my coworker that I’ll cut his balls off if he ever backstabs me again and than finding out that he hasn’t backstabbed me, hoping I get promoted but knowing very well that I can’t even handle the workload as it is now.

So last night , thanks to the Hound, I talked to a complete stranger, apparently a coworker of his that had nothing better to do at that moment. As we were talking he informed me that he would gladly exchange jobs with me in a hypothetical situation

Norma : Really? You would? ... that’s so great…ok I’ll switch with you…but wait what do you do?

Complete Stranger: I’m in charge of all the videos for this t.v channel

Norma: What?! Really! That sounds incredible. You mean you get to approve what videos will be aired or not? Of course I would switch jobs with you!

Complete Stranger: … no… I mean that I’m in charge of putting them in the video slot and taking them out of the video slots….

Norma: …what? ...well… wow…I would still switch jobs with you…

Complete Stranger: Alright, what do you do?

Norma: I work in Wall Street…you know finance stuff….

Complete Stranger: ………………………………………………………yeah…I don’t think so

Norma: but it’s Wall Street

Complete Stranger:……………………………………………………you can do my taxes though

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